Friday, September 16, 2011

Aboriginal craft.....

We were extremely fortunate to come across some Aboriginal women demonstrating some traditional crafts with a Park Ranger.

We got to learn the traditional techniques that the Aboriginal ladies use to make baskets and floor mats.

Another wonderful example of how the Aboriginal people are so connected to their environment.

They collect pandanus leaves using a special technique to separate the top layer off the front of the leaf.
These are bunched together ready to be demonstrated by Rosslyn here.....

They collect colourful plant roots and crush them with a rock and add these to the pot.

Different coloured roots provide different gorgeous, mustard, brown....beautiful

Into the pot go the crushed roots..

The Pandanus leaf is then boiled in the pot for half an hour to an hour.....

Here is Norma with the end result.....

Absolutely gorgeous colours!!

These ladies make amazing things such as this......

With the help of the ladies we just made bracelets today......

It was a wonderful experience which the whole family totally enjoyed!! 

I had visions of myself joining Norma and Rosslyn under a shady tree, making baskets, and drinking lots of tea......sounds like the life for me!!


  1. I love Norma's hands. They are things of beauty making beautiful things.

  2. I thought the same thing, MMMC. Her hands are such sculptural things in themselves. The precision and experience it would take to make that basketry is a marvel. So glad you are stopping and doing, not just looking!

  3. Looks like you're on a fabulous trip - the Kakadu National Park is on my list for one time when I come over to visit my sister in Oz.

  4. Megan, your photos are just amazing.


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