Thursday, November 17, 2011

'My Favourite type of Day!!"

These are the words spoken by Frank as we drove around the Streaky Bay area...

He was happy to be out in the beautiful weather exploring....

Zooming along both sealed and unsealed roads.

Always slowing down to ensure we don't run over the many Pine cone Lizards crossing the road.

Stopping occasionally for Bindi to pick one else in the car was quite as brave!!

Stopping to enjoy the beautiful coastline around these parts....

Stopping and taking the time to try and work out animal footprints in the sand....(Steve Irwin like)

Sitting for ages and watching the antics of the only mainland Sea lion colony in Australia...

A beautiful, undisturbed, safe spot.

Playing chasey, swimming, suckling off Mum, sun baking and sleeping were all on the agenda for the Sea lions. From the platform you could hear the calls of the younger ones trying to find their mothers.

The best view of the Sea Lions was with binoculars.

Here is a zoomed in shot of a big male with a few females and younger Sea Lions. The male has a cream head and darker body and he is much bigger.

We all thoroughly enjoy seeing animals in their own environment doing 'what they do'. It is very special!! 

To end Frank's 'favourite type of day' he sent James off to buy some Streaky Bay oysters from the wonderful on site 'Family Restaurant'.

 The night before we enjoyed lightly battered famous 'King George Whiting' from here and it was fabulous. What a treat! Not walking far for some good fish 'n'chips!!

It was so funny as James returned with his bag of oysters from the restaurant and they were as 'fresh as today' but 'unshucked', which presented a challenge.

Out came the pocket knife and Frank gave it his best shot as I pretended to look real busy....

Absolutely delish!!

These type of days have been the highlight of a trip like this......


  1. it looks like never a truer word was spoken frank

  2. What life was meant to be!! Perfection!! xx Katherine

  3. Glad there were no stiches Nursy Poo!!!! I would be very busy looking somewhere else too if Tony was at an unshucked Oyster with a trusty pocket knofe!!!! No bah humbug here though.. Oysters and a Caravan??? love Jane (again)


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